Saturday 15 February 2025


AACA An invalid error code has been passed to the DFHTFP or DFHACP programs.
AAMA There is an internal logic error in DFHAMP.
AAMC The task was purged before a GETMAIN request to the storage manager domain was able to complete
  User Response: Investigate the reason the task was purged. It was purged either by the master terminal
  operator or as a result of deadlock timeout.
AAMD An unexpected return code has been received from DFHDMP. This is due to an internal logic error.
AAMF An unexpected return code has been received following a call to the kernel (KE) domain. This might be due
  to an internal logic error.
AAMH An unexpected return code has been received following a call to DFHFCMT. This might be due to an
  internal logic error.
AAMI An unexpected return code has been received following a call to DFHFCRL. This might be due to an
  internal logic error.
AAMJ While installing a file, using RDO, a call was made to DFHFCFS to enable the file. An irrecoverable error
  was returned from DFHFCFS.
AAMK While installing a file, using RDO, a call was made to DFHFCDN. An irrecoverable error was returned
  from DFHFCDN.
  User Response: Inform the system programmer, Examine the trace and dump to identify the point of error.
AAMN There has been an unexpected return code from a call to DFHPRPT. This might be due to an internal logic
AAMO An invalid return code was returned from DFHTOR, the CICS terminal object resolution program.
AAMP An unexpected return code has been received from DFHPUP. This might be due to an internal logic error.
AAMQ An attempt has been made to install a partner using RDO. However, the partner resource manager (PRM) is
  unavailable having failed to initialize during CICS initialization.
  User Response: If you need to use the PRM, correct the problem which prevented the PRM from
  initializing, and restart CICS.
AAMS There has been an unexpected return code following a GETMAIN request to the storage manager. This is
  due to an internal logic error.
AAMT There is an internal logic error in DFHAMP due to an unexpected return code from DFHTMP.
AAMZ An unexpected return code has been received from DFHZCP. This is due to an internal logic error.
AAM1 DFHXMCL has returned an unexpected response during the install of a transaction class. This can be
  caused by the task being purged during the install.
  If an error has occurred, at the time the error is detected, CICS issues a DFHXMnnnn console message,
  records an exception trace entry and takes a system dump.
  User Response: Determine why the task has failed. If there is a system dump, use it together with the trace
  entry and the console message to resolve the problem. If there is no system dump, the task has been purged
  either by the master terminal operator or as a result of deadlock timeout.
AAM2 DFHXMXD has returned an unexpected response during the install of a transaction definition. This can be
  caused by the task being purged during the install.
  If an error has occurred, at the time the error is detected, CICS issues a DFHXMnnnn console message,
  records an exception trace entry and takes a system dump.
AAOA An application has issued a CPI verb which CICS does not support. The entry point referenced in the
  Application program was resolved in the link edit stub, but the function requested could not be resolved when
  control passed to CICS.
  There are two possible reasons for this: You have linkedited your application program with a CPI stub which
  supports more function than this release of CICS. The linkedit stub has been corrupted.
  An exception trace entry is also written.
  User Response: At the time of the error, general register 0 points to an 8­byte character string which should
  match the name of the issued CPI call. Use the trace or the dump to verify that this character string is the
  name of a CPI function which is supported.
  If the character string is not an intelligible character string, the stub has probably been corrupted.
AAOB An application has issued a CPI verb which specifies more than eight parameters.
  User Response: Change your application program so that the correct number of parameters is specified on
  the CPI call.
AAOC CPI Communications is invoked with an invalid number of parameters for call
  User Response: The exception trace point produced with this abend contains the incorrectly issued CPI
  Communications verb name. Use this to determine where the application program was in error and amend it
AAOD The task was purged before a GETMAIN request to the storage manager (SM) domain was able to
  complete successfully. The domain that first detected the purged condition provides an exception trace.
  User Response: Investigate the reason the task was purged. It was purged either by the master terminal
  operator or as a result of deadlock timeout.
AAOE The task was purged before a GETMAIN request to the storage manager (SM) domain was able to
  complete successfully. The domain that first detected the purged condition provides an exception trace.
  User Response: Investigate the reason the task was purged. It was purged either by the master terminal
  operator or as a result of deadlock timeout.
AAOF The task was purged before a GETMAIN request to the storage manager (SM) domain was able to
  complete successfully. The domain that first detected the purged condition provides an exception trace.
  User Response: Investigate the reason the task was purged. It was purged either by the master terminal
  operator or as a result of deadlock timeout.
AAOG During the processing of CMACCP (accept conversation), CPI Communications detected that the
  Application was attached with an unsupported sync level.
  User Response: This condition is caused by a back­end CPI Communications transaction being attached
  with a sync level that is not CM_NONE (0) or CM_CONFIRM (1).
  Change the front­end transaction, (that is, the initiator of the conversation in the other system) so that it
  defines the sync level correctly.
AAOH Journaling of data sent on a CPI communications mapped conversation has failed. This condition is caused
  by a nonzero response from the CICS log manager.
  User Response: Use the dump to ascertain why the journal or log record could not be written correctly. If a
  journal record length error is indicated, TIOATDL may have been corrupted.
AAOI The journaling of data received on a CPI Communications mapped conversation has failed.
AAOJ CPI Communications has detected an unexpected response from one of its internal routines.
  User Response: This is a CICS internal logic error.
  A level 2 trace for 'CP' of the transaction shows the course of events prior to this error. For example, the
  modules called and their parameters. The level 2 trace also provides details of the error itself.
AAOK CPI Communications has detected an unexpected call to one of its internal routines.
AAOL CPI Communications has made an invalid call to DFHLUC.
AAOM The CPI Communications and the DFHZUSR state machines are out of synchronization.
AAON CPI Communications has detected an unexpected response from DFHLUC.
AAOO CPI Communications has been invoked with an invalid first parameter. The first parameter should be the
  code of the function to be performed. This is a CICS internal logic error.
AAOP The CPI Communications state machine has been requested to perform a state transition request that is
  considered to be an 'impossible' situation.
  There are two possible causes of this error:
  The CPC (conversation control block) has been overwritten in such a way that the conversation state has
  been altered, or
  There is an error in the CPI Communications state machine.
AAOQ The return code generated by CPI Communications does not have an entry in the state table against the
  current CPI Communications verb.
  This error is detected by the CPI Communications state machine.
  User Response: This is a CICS internal logic error.
  A level 2 trace for 'CP' of the transaction shows the course of events prior to this error, for example, the
  modules called and their parameters. The level 2 trace also provides details of the error itself.
AAOR CPI Communications has detected an invalid value in the CPC (conversation control block).
  There are 2 possible causes of this error:
  The CPC (conversation control block) has been overwritten, or
  There is an error in CPI Communications which causes it to reject valid values.
AAOS CPI Communications has detected that the conversation state is RESET for a situation where this should
  not occur. That is, the conversation control block (CPC) is about to be deleted.
AAOT While chaining through the CPCs (conversation control blocks) for a given conversation, CPI
  Communications detected that the chain was broken.
AAOU CPI Communications has detected an error in the TP_name or partner_LU_name while processing an
  initialize conversation request. The TP_name or partner_LU_name is obtained by lookup of the
  sym_dest_name in the partner resource table (PRT).
  There are two possible causes of this error.
  1. The entry in the PRT contains invalid data, or
  2. There is an error in the mechanism that returns the data from the PRT and interprets it.
  User Response: A level 2 trace for 'CP' of the transaction shows the course of events prior to this error, for
  example, the modules called and their parameters. The level 2 trace also provides details of the error itself.
AAOV CPI Communications has detected that its internal state table is corrupted.
  This error is detected by the CPI Communications state machine.
AAOW CPI Communications has detected an internal logic error in DFHCPCLC.
AAOX CPI Communications has detected a bad syncpoint return code which has been set on a synclevel 0 or 1
  conversation. The bad return code is only expected on a synclevel 2 conversation.
AAOY CPI Communications detected an invalid LL field in the GDS records from which it was receiving on a
  mapped conversation.
  Although it is possible that the remote system is sending invalid records, it is more likely to be an error in
  the receive logic because DFHZARRC (a lower level receive module) also checks the LLs before passing
  them to CPI Communications.
  User Response: Use CICS traces and, possibly a VTAM trace, to determine the data that was sent between
  both systems.
  A level 2 CICS trace for 'CP' of the transaction documents the course of events prior to this error (such as the
  modules called and their parameters). The level 2 trace also provides details of the error itself.
AAOZ CPI Communications has detected an invalid ID field in the GDS records it was receiving on a mapped
  conversation. The exception trace point that accompanies this abend gives the ID field in data 3. The valid
  IDs are '12FF'X for application data and '12F1'X for null data.
AAO2 CPI Communications has detected an unexpected response from DFHLUC.
AAO3 The CPI interface detected that a call was made to a CPI Communications function without CPI
  Communications being initialized. This implies that CPI Communications initialization failed while CICS
  was initializing.
  An exception trace entry is also written when this event occurs.
AAO4 DFHZARL, or a module called by DFHZARL, has detected a logic error. This error is almost certainly
  caused by the module receiving invalid data or indicators from VTAM.
  System Action: Before returning to the CPI Communications layer, DFHZARL calls DFHZNAC to clean
  up the session and put out messages on the CSNE log. CPI Communications abnormally terminates the
  transaction with a CICS transaction dump, and produces an exception trace entry.
  User Response: Check the CSNE log to determine the type of error.
AAO5 The task was purged before a GETMAIN request to the storage manager (SM) domain was able to
  complete successfully. The domain that first detected the purged condition provides an exception trace.
  User Response: Investigate the reason why the task was purged. It was purged either by the master terminal
  operator or as a result of deadlock timeout.
AAO7 The CPI Communications syncpoint request handler has been passed an invalid DFHLUC parameter list.
AAO8 The CPI Communications syncpoint request handler has been passed an invalid conversation control block
AAO9 A task has been purged either as a result of a purge from the master terminal operator via the CEMT
  transaction, or by the task being timed out after waiting for longer than the DTIMOUT (deadlock timeout)
  value specified for the transaction.
ABAC An activity issued EXEC CICS RETURN (without the ENDACTIVITY option) but no events were
  processed during the activation. The activity was executed with a RUN command.
  The EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND command cannot handle this abend.
  User Response: Investigate why the activity did not process any events.
ABAD An activity issued EXEC CICS RETURN ENDACTIVITY while there were activity completion events
  pending. The activity was executed with a RUN command.
  The EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND command cannot handle this abend.
ABAE An activity issued EXEC CICS RETURN (without the ENDACTIVITY option) but no events were
  processed during the activation. The activity was executed with a LINK command.
  System Action: The task which issued the LINK is abnormally terminated with a CICS transaction dump.
  The EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND command cannot handle this abend.
ABAF An activity issued EXEC CICS RETURN ENDACTIVITY while there were activity completion events
  pending. The activity was executed with a LINK command.
ABLA The task was purged before a GETMAIN request to the storage manager (SM) domain was able to
  complete successfully. The domain that first detected the purged condition provides an exception trace.
ABLB An error (INVALID, DISASTER, or unexpected EXCEPTION response) has occurred on a call to the
  storage manager (SM) domain. The domain that detected the original error provides an exception trace, a
  console message and, possibly, a system dump (depending on the options in the dump
ABMA The user has supplied a terminal I/O area (TIOA) with an invalid data length that was either equal to zero or
  greater than the storage accounting length minus 12.
  Alternatively, the length field of a header or trailer area provided by the application program is invalid (that
  is, not positive).
ABMB The user has specified a cursor position in the BMS output request. It is larger than the current screen size
  for the 3270 for which output is being built.
  User Response: Correct the program that specified the incorrect cursor location.
ABMC The CMSG transaction is attempting to send a message to a greater number of terminals than is possible.
  There is no fixed maximum because the value depends on the other operands specified on the routing
ABMD DFHTPR or DFHTPP has issued a DFHDI TYPE=SEND and has received a return code other than
ABME DFHTPR or DFHTPP has detected an invalid datastream or DFHWBBMS detected invalid forms data
  while processing a basic mapping support (BMS) request.
  User Response: If DFHTPR or DFHTPP issued the ABEND then examine the transaction dump for bad data
  in the TIOA. If the origin of the bad data is an application program, correct the program. If DFHWBBMS
  issued the ABEND then check the validity of the incoming forms data in the CICS trace.
ABMF The value specified for the length option of the basic mapping support (BMS) send map is greater than the
  length of the 'from' area.
  User Response: Redefine the value for the length option.
ABMG The user has requested a basic mapping support (BMS) service that was not specified at system generation,
  or at initialization.
  User Response: Correlate services requested against options specified in the system generation of BMS.
ABMI The map specified for a BMS input mapping request was not an input map.
  User Response: Either define another input map or redefine the existing map.
ABML The terminal control locate routine received invalid data from DFHRLR and returns with an error return
  code. DFHRLR is attempting to scan the TCT for a BMS ROUTE request with LIST=ALL or operator class
  or operator ID specified in the route list. The terminal control table may have been corrupted.
ABMM An invalid map was specified.
  User Response: Use the supplied dump to diagnose the problem. Register 6 contains the address of the BMS
  instruction being executed when the error was recognized.
ABMO The map specified for a BMS output mapping request was not an output map.
  User Response: Either define another output map or redefine the existing map.
ABMQ The query transaction (CQRY) has been initiated and either the task is not terminal­oriented, or the
  Associated terminal is not defined to CICS
  As a 3270 or SCSPRINT device. This abend will occur if CQRY is entered at a console, even when the
  console is a 3270 device, since the console has the
  Appearance to CICS of a keyboard/printer device. The CQRY transaction does not have an operator interface,
  And under normal conditions there is no need
  for an operator to invoke CQRY or for a user transaction to START the CQRY transaction. CQRY is run
  Automatically by CICS when a 3270 or SCSPRINT
  device connects. In the transaction dump, register 8 contains the address of the TCTTE for the associated
  terminal. If register 8 contains zero, this indicates
  that the task is not terminal­oriented.
  User Response: Ensure that the terminal associated with CQRY is of the 3270 or SCSPRINT family of
ABMR The Page Retrieval transaction (CSPG) has been initiated but the task is not terminal­oriented.
  User Response: Ensure that a terminal is associated with the CSPG transaction.
ABMU The application program supplied an address that is not within region boundaries. The low­order 3 bytes of
  general register 1 in the transaction
  dump contain the erroneous address. The high­order byte of register 1 indicates the address type as follows:
  User Response: Correct the application program that is supplying the erroneous address.
ABMV DFHRLR has detected an invalid route list entry.
  User Response: Check that the route list is correctly built with reserved field in the entry containing blank
  And a stopper of halfword X'FFFF' to terminate the list.
ABMX A text string passed to BMS contained a set attribute order that was invalid for one of the following
  1. The set attribute sequence was less than three characters.
  2. The attribute type was invalid.
ABMY BMS is building a TTP (Terminal Type Parameter) control block but the pagesize selected for a terminal by
  BMS is zero because either the default or alternate screensize has been defined as zero.
  User Response: Check the TERMINAL and TERMTYPE definitions which determined the attributes of the
  offending TCTTE.
ABMZ The address of the terminal I/O area (TIOA) in TCTTEDA was found to be zero.
ABM0 The map specified for a basic mapping support (BMS) request could not be located. The map name in the
  COBOL program does not match the map name in front of the DFHMDI assembler macro. This error can
  occur when executing either a SEND MAP or RECEIVE MAP command
  User Response: Check if the map has been defined. If it has, check that it has been speelled correctly.
ABM1 A basic mapping support (BMS) service is requested by a task associated with a terminal that is not
  supported by BMS. The request is not a routing request.
  User Response: Do not use terminals not supported by BMS for applications using BMS services.
ABM2 No user data was supplied for this BMS request. That is, the address of a user data area was not found in
  User Response: The programmer must place the address of the data into TCTTEDA or TCAMSIOA,
  whichever is appropriate.
ABM3 A BMS input or output request has been issued from a task that is not terminal­oriented.
  User Response: The task issuing a BMS input or output request must be attached to a terminal.
ABM4 An invalid request response has been received to a temporary storage PUT or PUTQ request issued by
  BMS. The data passed to the temporary storage program has an invalid length.
ABM5 A DFHTS TYPE=PURGE request has been issued with an invalid REQID. This incorrect request was
  issued by basic mapping support (BMS).
ABM6 Transaction CSPS, scheduled internally by BMS, has not been installed.
  User Response: Install the transaction CSPS (Group DFHBMS).
ABM7 The trailer specified to be used while building pages of text data is longer than the page.
  User Response: Correct the application program that issues the request with too long a trailer.
ABM8 A BMS text request specified a value for the JUSTIFY option which is zero or too large for the page being
  User Response: Correct the application program that specified too large or zero value for the JUSTIFY
ABM9 The text data overflow routines have been reentered while text overflow was in process. This condition
  occurs when the line requirements for the text header and/or trailer exceed the line capacity of the page for
  which data is being formatted.
  User Response: Reduce the number of lines required for the header and/or trailer or increase the page size of
  the terminal.
ABNA No route list was supplied with a route request received from the remote system.
ABNB Either the principal facility of the task is not a TCTTE of the correct type, or the task has no principal
  User Response: Ensure that DFHTPS has not been specified as the initial program of a transaction other
  than CSPS. Check that the operator did not enter CSPS from the terminal.
ABNC An attempt to access a temporary storage queue failed.
  User Response: Ensure that temporary storage is correctly generated.
ABNE An error response was received from an invocation of a BMS TYPE=ROUTE or TYPE=STORE request.
  User Response: Check that BMS was correctly generated.
ABNF The transaction was not in send mode when it sent data to the remote system.
ABNG An attach request was received from the remote system without any data indicating the reason for the
ABNH An attempt to ship data to the remote system failed.
ABNI CICS could not find a profile for an LU6.2 transaction routing request.
  User Response: Either you have specified an incorrect name in the PROFILE parameter of an EXEC CICS
  ALLOCATE command, or you have not installed the profile. Correct the error before resubmitting the
ABNJ The task was purged before a GETMAIN request to the storage manager (SM) domain was able to
  complete successfully. The task that first detected the purged condition provides an exception trace.
  User Response: Investigate the reason why the task was purged. It was purged either by the master terminal
  operator or as a result of a deadlock timeout.
ABNK An error (INVALID, DISASTER or unexpected EXCEPTION response) has occurred on a call to the
  storage manager (SM) domain. The
  domain that detected the original error provides an exception trace, a console message and, possibly, a
  system dump (depending on the options specified in
  the dump table).
ACAA This explanation applies to the two transaction abend codes, ACAA and ACAD. CICS cannot find a match
  for a function code in the language
  definition table because the parameterized resource definition contains an unrecognized resource type code.
  The abend code issued depends on the
  DFHCAP operation that was invoked before the error occurred:
ACAI An internal error has occurred when module DFHCAP was invoked. There was an invalid function code for
  A domain call to DFHCAP.
AEC1 An attempt has been made to use the Command Level Interpreter (CECI) or the Enhanced Master Terminal
  (CEMT) or an RDO (CEDA, CEDB, CEDC) transaction on a terminal that is not supported.
  User Response: Use a terminal that is supported by the Command Level Interpreter, Enhanced Master
  Terminal, or RDO transaction.
AEC2 An attempt has been made to use the Command Level Interpreter (CECI) or the Enhanced Master Terminal
  (CEMT) or an RDO (CEDA, CEDB, CEDC) transaction on a display terminal of size less than 24 X 80.
  User Response: Use a display terminal that is supported by the Command Level Interpreter or Enhanced
  Master Terminal or RDO transaction.
AEC3 An unsuccessful attempt has been made to call VS COBOL II to initialize a thread (for the first VS COBOL
  II program in a CICS transaction).
  User Response: Check your library setup to ensure that all of the VS COBOL II interface modules are
AEC4 An unsuccessful attempt has been made to call VS COBOL II to initialize a run­unit (for any VS COBOL II
  program in a CICS transaction).
  User Response: Check your library setup to ensure that all of the VS COBOL II interface modules are
AEC5 An unexpected error has been encountered by C/370 during the THREAD INITIALIZATION phase while
  Attempting to execute a C language program.
  System Action: The return code received from C/370 is placed into the field EIBRESP2; then the transaction
  is abnormally terminated. The program is disabled.
  User Response: Refer to the error message(s) provided by C/370 to determine the cause of the problem.
AEC6 An unexpected error has been encountered by C/370 during the RUNUNIT INITIALIZATION phase while
  Attempting to execute a C language program.
  System Action: The return code received from C/370 is placed into the field EIBRESP2; then the transaction
  is abnormally terminated. The program is disabled.
  User Response: Refer to the error message(s) provided by C/370 to determine the cause of the problem.
AEC7 Language Environment has encountered an unexpected error during the THREAD INITIALIZATION
  phase while attempting to execute a Language Environment enabled program. The return code received from
  Language Environment is placed into the field EIBRESP2.
  System Action: Message DFHAP1200 is issued and the transaction is abnormally terminated. The program
  is disabled.
  User Response: Refer to the error message or messages issued by Language Environment to determine the
  cause of the problem.
AEC8 Language Environment has encountered an unexpected error during the RUNUNIT INITIALIZATION
  phase while attempting to execute a Language Environment enabled program.
  System Action: The return code received from Language Environment is placed into the field EIBRESP2.
  Message DFHAP1200 is issued and the transaction is abnormally terminated. The program is disabled.
  User Response: Refer to the error message or messages issued by Language Environment to determine the
  cause of the problem.
AEC9 Language Environment has encountered an unexpected error during the RUNUNIT BEGIN INVOCATION
  phase while attempting to execute a Language Environment enabled program.
  System Action: The return code received from Language Environment is placed into the field EIBRESP2.
  Message DFHAP1200 is issued and the transaction is abnormally terminated. The program is disabled.
  User Response: Refer to the error message or messages issued by Language Environment to determine the
  cause of the problem.
AEDA The CEDF transaction has been started with an invalid start code. This could be the result of attempting to
  start the execution diagnostic facility (EDF) with EXEC CICS START(CEDF).
  User Response: Use the transaction dump to determine why the start has failed.
AEDB DFHEDFP has been passed an invalid EDFXA. This is an internal CICS error.
AEDC The program EDF has terminated because a GETMAIN request to the storage manager failed.
AEDD CICS has attempted to attach the EDF task to display the user request but the attach has failed.
  User Response: Use the transaction dump to determine why the attach has failed.
AEDE CICS has suspended the user task to allow the EDF task to complete but an error has occurred while
  performing the suspend.
AEDF CICS has suspended the user task to allow the EDF task to complete. The user task has been purged while
  suspended, before control was returned from EDF.
  User Response: The task was probably purged by the master terminal operator. Investigate the reason why
  the task was purged. This may have been in an attempt to clear the system which appeared to be deadlocked
  for some reason.
AEDG CICS has suspended the user task to allow the EDF task to complete. The user task has gone away while
  suspended, before control was returned from EDF.
AEDH An error occurred when CICS called the Program Manager in order to discover details of the user program
  that has invoked EDF.
AED1 This abend is produced as a result of either:
  An attempt to use the execution diagnostic facility (EDF) on an unsupported terminal,
  Using the temporary storage browse transaction (CEBR) on an unsupported device, or
  An attempt to initiate the temporary storage browse transaction (CEBR) with a non­terminal principal
AED2 The program EDF has terminated a task and placed this abend code in the terminated task's TCA. This
  occurs because execution of EDF is
  About to be abnormally terminated. A probable reason for EDF being terminated is that a line, control unit, or
  A terminal has been put out of service.
  User Response: Use a terminal that is supported as a display terminal by EDF. A CICS transaction dump of
  the task terminated with this abend code is available for review.
AED3 The program EDF has terminated a task and placed this abend code in the terminated task's TCA. The
  termination occurs because execution of EDF is about to be abnormally terminated.
  One possible cause of an abend in EDF is incorrect data being sent to the terminal by the user task.
AED4 An internal logic error has been detected in EDF module DFHEDFP.
AED5 An internal logic error was been detected in EDF. Insufficient dynamic storage was pre­allocated.
  System Action: EDF is terminated abnormally with dumps having dump codes CXSP, RMIN, PAGE, LDIN.
  The user task continues.
  User Response: The problem may be avoided by less complex user interactions with EDF.
AED6 An internal logic error was detected in EDF.
  System Action: EDF is terminated abnormally with dumps having dump codes CXSP, RMIN, PAGE, LDIN.
  The user task continues.
  User Response: The problem may be avoided by less complex user interactions with EDF.
AED7 The installed definition of the transaction CEDF has a TWA size which is too small.
  User Response: If you have an updated copy of the CEDF transaction installed, ensure that you have a TWA
  size at least as big as the one defined by the
  IBM supplied definition.
AED8 A terminal control error has occurred in DFHEDFX.
AED9 A temporary storage error has occurred in EDF. This could be caused by an input/output error on temporary
  storage or because temporary storage data is full.
AEIA Note: The description of this abend also applies to AEID to AEI9, AEXC, AEXF, AEXG, AEXI to AEXL,
  AEYE to AEY3, AEY7, and AEZE to AEZQ.
  The EXEC interface program issues an abend when an exceptional condition has occurred but the command
  does not have the RESP option
  (or NOHANDLE option), or the application program has not executed an EXEC CICS HANDLE
  CONDITION command for that condition. This will cause
  DFHEIP to take the system action for the condition in question. In most cases, the system action will be to
  Abend the transaction.
  Analysis: Because these abend codes are directly related to exceptional conditions that can be specified in
  HANDLE CONDITION commands, the
  Application programmer should decide whether the condition is one that should be handled by the application
  (for example ENDFILE), or one that requires
  modifications to the application or CICS tables.
  User Response: Change the application program either to prevent the condition recurring, to check it by
  using the RESP option, or to handle the condition
  when it does occur (by using the EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command). If necessary, use the
  contents of the EIBRESP2 field or the EIBRCODE in
  the EIB to assist in determining the cause of the exceptional condition.
AEID EOF condition not handled.
AEIE EODS condition not handled.
AEIG INBFMH condition not handled.
AEIH ENDINPT condition not handled.
AEII NONVAL condition not handled.
AEIJ NOSTART condition not handled.
AEIK TERMIDERR condition not handled.
  The four character terminal id is not defined to a local or remote CICS on a START command. This
  generally means that the terminal id is not defined to the SYSM CICS version. In plain words it means CICS
  has not identified the terminal the transaction is run on.
AEIL FILENOTFOUND condition not handled.
  Data set ID or the file cannot be found in the CICS file control table (FCT).
AEIM NOTFND condition not handled.
  A particular record on which the update lock is being taken or which is being trying to read is not
AEIN DUPREC condition not handled.
  An attempt was made to add a record to a data set or file in which the same key or the record already
AEIO DUPKEY condition not handled.
  DUPKEY occurs if a record is retrieved via an alternate index in which the key that is used is not
  unique. A record has been accessed by way of an alternate index with the NONUNIQUEKEY attribute, and
  Another alternate index record with the same key follows
AEIP INVREQ condition not handled.
  All the scenarios it can happen in
  Invalid file control request according to the CICS file control table.
  A REWRITE, or a DELETE, was issued but no previous READ with UPDATE command was issued.
  A READNEXT, READPREV, ENDBR, or RESETBR was issued but no previous STARTBR was
  A WRITE was issued, but the WS key field did not match the RIDFLD.
  A DELETE command with the RIDFLD option specified is issued for a VSAM data set when a
  READ UPDATE command is outstanding.
  Following a READ UPDATE command for a data set, a WRITE or READ UPDATE command is
  issued for the same data set before exclusive control is released.
  The data area specified in the RIDFLD is not the same one in all the commands of a browse.
  An attempt is made to start a browse with a REQID already in use for another browse.
  A RETURN command with the Commarea option is issued in a program that is not at the highest
  logical level.
  A RETURN command with the Transid option is issued in a task that is not associated with a terminal.
AEIQ IOERR condition not handled.
  An I/O error occurred; (It can be during Read, Write , Browse etc. ).
AEIR NOSPACE condition not handled.
  Occurs if no space is available when a new record is added to a VSAM and the condition is not
  handled. Some new blocks have to allocated and is an admin level job
AEIS NOTOPEN condition not handled.
  The data set or Vsam is not open. Applications generally don't see this abend. Instead, they should
  handle the condition AEXL.
AEIT ENDFILE condition not handled.
  Occurs if an end­of­file condition is detected during a browse and no more records exits after doing a
  ReadNext or Read Prev..
AEIU ILLOGIC condition not handled.
  Occurs if a VSAM error occurs that does not fall within one of the other CICS/VS response
AEIV LENGERR condition not handled.
  The various scenarios under which Length Error might occur
  The length option is not specified for an input (without the set option) or output operation involving
  variable­length records.
  The length specified for an output operation exceeds the maximum record size; the record is truncated.
  The length of a record read during an input operation (with the into option) exceeds the value specified in
  the length option; the record is truncated, and the data area supplied in the length option is set to the actual
  length of the record.
  An incorrect length is specified for an input or output operation involving fixed­length records.
  Occurs if the length of the stored data is greater than the value specified by the length option for move­mode
  input operations.
  Occurs if the length of data received by an input request that specifies the into option exceeds the value
  specified by the length or tolength option.
  In a nut shell
  The record length (01 RECORD­LENGTH PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE...) specified in working­storage does
  not match the record length stored on the file
  The calculated record length, obtained from adding up the number of characters defined in the working
  storage layout does not match the specified record length (RECORD­LENGTH) or the length stored on the
  file . The picture given to RECORD­LENGTH is not stored as a two byte field. Usually this error occurs
  because the picture is S9(8) instead of S9(4) or is not COMP.
AEIW QZERO condition not handled.
  Occurs when the destination (QUEUE) accessed by a READQ TD is empty.
AEIZ ITEMERR condition not handled.
  Occurs when the item number specified or implied by a READQ TS, or a WRITEQ TS with the
  rewrite option, is invalid; or if the QUEUE referred to in a WRITEQ TS cannot be found.
AEI0 PGMIDERR condition not handled.
  Occurs if a program or map cannot be loaded into memory. In order, most likely first:
  The program is disabled (compiled while an intercept was set in XPED).
  The program was never compiled
  The program is not spelled correctly, or contains lower­case letters.
  The variable for the program/map name is 5 bytes long, rather than the correct 8 bytes.
AEI1 TRANSIDERR condition not handled.
AEI2 ENDDATA condition not handled.
AEI3 INVTSREQ condition not handled.
AEI4 EXPIRED condition not handled.
AEI8 TSIOERR condition not handled.
  Occurs if there is an unrecoverable temp storage I/O error.
AEI9 MAPFAIL condition not handled.
  Occurs if the data to be mapped has a length of zero or does not contain a set buffer address (SBA) sequence.
  In order, most likely first:
  In test, the WSCA copybook length does not match the DFHCOMMAREA FILLER.
  In production, the client has shut down their workstation, or closed Passport, with a CICS screen still active.
AELA The executing function has been purged before control could be returned.
  User Response: Investigate the reason the task was purged. It was purged either by the master terminal
  operator, or as a result of a deadlock timeout.
AELB The executing function has been purged before control could be returned.
AEMA An error (INVALID or DISASTER response) has occurred on a call to the application (AP) domain when a
  request for set user exit active could not be serviced.
AEMB An error (INVALID or DISASTER response) has occurred on a call to the loader (LD) domain. The domain
  that detected the original error will
  have provided an exception trace, a console message, and possibly a system dump (depending on the options
  in the dump table).
AEMP The task was purged before a set active request to the application (AP) domain was able to complete
  successfully. The domain that first
  detected the purged condition may provide an exception trace.
AEMQ The task was purged before an IDENTIFY_PROGRAM request to the loader (LD) domain was able to
  complete successfully. The domain that
  first detected the purged condition provides an exception trace.
AETA A CICS transaction has issued a non­CICS command via an application "stub" (an expansion of a
  DFHRMCAL macro). Program DFHERM has
  determined that the exit has been disabled since the previous DFHRMCAL request was issued from the
AETC A CICS transaction has issued a non­CICS command via an application "stub" (an expansion of a
  DFHRMCAL macro). However, the
  task­related user exit (TRUE) is not known to program manager.
  User Response: Ensure that the TRUE as identified to the DFHRMCAL macro has been correctly defined to
AETF The task was purged before a request to the storage manager (SM) domain was able to complete
  successfully. The domain that first detected
  the purged condition will have provided an exception trace.
AETG An error (INVALID, DISASTER or unexpected EXCEPTION response) has occurred on a call to the
  storage manager (SM) domain. The
  domain that detected the original error will have provided an exception trace, a console message and,
  possibly, a system dump (depending on the options
  specified in the dump table).
AETH The task was purged before a request to the storage manager (SM) domain was able to complete
  successfully. The domain that first detected
  the purged condition will have provided an exception trace.
AETI An error (INVALID, DISASTER or unexpected EXCEPTION response) has occurred on a call to the
  storage manager (SM) domain. The
  domain that detected the original error will have provided an exception trace, a console message and,
  possibly, a system dump (depending on the options
  specified in the dump table).
  ADD_LINK call to the recovery manager (RM)
  domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the RM domain provides an exception trace, a console message,
  And possibly a system dump (depending on the
  options in the dump table).
  For all errors, DFHERM provides an exception trace, console message DFHAP0002, and possibly a system
  dump (depending on the options in the dump
  SET_LINK call to the recovery manager (RM)
  domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the RM domain provides an exception trace, a console message,
  And possibly a system dump (depending on the
  options in the dump table).
  SET_UOW call to the recovery manager (RM)
  domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the RM domain provides an exception trace, a console message,
  And possibly a system dump (depending on the
  options in the dump table).
  transaction manager (XM) domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the XM domain provides an
  exception trace, a console message, and possibly a
  system dump (depending on the options in the dump table).
AETN An EXCEPTION response with an unexpected reason occurred on an INITITIATE_RECOVERY call to
  recovery manager (RM) domain.
  DFHRMSY provides an exception trace, console message DFHAP0002, and possibly a system dump
  (depending on the options in the dump table).
AETO An error (DISASTER, INVALID, KERNERROR, or PURGED) has occurred on an
  INITIATE_RECOVERY call to the recovery manager (RM)
  domain. The RM domain provides an exception trace, a console message, and possibly a system dump
  (depending on the options in the dump table).
  TERMINATE_RECOVERY call to recovery
  manager (RM) domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the RM domain provides an exception trace, a
  console message, and possibly a system dump
  (depending on the options in the dump table).
AETQ An EXCEPTION response with an unexpected reason occurred on an INQUIRE_UOW call to the recovery
  manager (RM) domain. DFHRMSY
  provides an exception trace, console message DFHAP0002, and possibly a system dump (depending on the
  options in the dump table).
AETR An error (DISASTER, INVALID, KERNERROR, or PURGED) has occurred on an INQUIRE_UOW call
  to the recovery manager (RM) domain.
  The RM domain provides an exception trace, a console message, and possibly a system dump (depending on
  the options in the dump table).
  INQUIRE_STARTUP call to recovery manager
  (RM) domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the RM domain provides an exception trace, a console
  message, and possibly a system dump (depending
  on the options in the dump table).
AEXC RESIDERR condition not handled.
AEXF ESCERROR condition not handled.
AEXG UOWLNOTFOUND condition not handled.
AEXI TERMERR condition not handled.
AEXJ ROLLEDBACK condition not handled.
AEXK END condition not handled.
AEXL DISABLED condition not handled.
  The data set or Vsam is not open. Application should be checked for DISABLED, and display a
  message to the user, rather than abending. On test CICS /native CICS screen after this abend, use DPOC to
  open the file or manually go the native CICS screen and open the file.
AEXU NOTPOSS condition not handled.
AEXV VOLIDERR condition not handled.
AEXW SUPPRESSED condition not handled.
AEXX TASKIDERR condition not handled.
AEXY The executing transaction has been purged before control could be returned. This is sometimes the result of
  A task being cancelled/forced by Operations. It also occurs for A+ Host Listeners, at CICS shutdown.
  This can arise when the transaction is purged while
  A CICS command was being processed
  The transaction was waiting to be dispatched
AEXZ A command has failed due to a serious failure in a CICS component (resource manager). It usually means a
  problem with the data set. At ADP, this generally happens on test CICS after a checkin/LI function. On
  native CICS after this abend, issue a new copy to the program i.e. load module
  System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated with abend code AEXZ. CICS takes a transaction
  dump, unless module DFHDUIO is not loaded.
  User Response: Use the transaction dump to determine the cause of the failure.
AEX0 TCIDERR condition not handled.
AEX1 DSNNOTFOUND condition not handled.
AEX2 LOADING condition not handled.
AEX3 MODELIDERR condition not handled.
AEX4 UOWNOTFOUND condition not handled.
AEX5 PARTNERIDERR condition not handled.
AEX6 PROFILEIDERR condition not handled.
AEX7 NETNAMEIDERR condition not handled.
AEX8 LOCKED condition not handled.
AEX9 RECORDBUSY condition not handled.
AEYA INVERRTERM condition not handled.
AEYB INVMPSZ condition not handled.
AEYC IGREQID condition not handled.
AEYD A transaction has requested that CICS to access (read it or write it or create it) an area to which the
  transaction itself did not have access.. This occurred when an invalid storage area was passed to CICS as an
  output parameter on an EXEC CICS command.
  If command protection is activated by the CMDPROT(YES) option in the system initialization table (SIT),
  the AEYD transaction abend can occur.
  User Response: Examine the trace to find the exception trace entry created by DFHEISR and then identify
  the parameter in error. If the abend is handled,
  EXEC CICS ASSIGN ASRASTG, ASRAKEY, ASRASPC, and ASRAREGS give additional information
  About the abend. At the time of the abend, register 2
  points to the storage area at fault.
  To prevent a recurrence of the abend, correct the program code. Changing one or more of the following
  options might alleviate the problem:
  Correct the code in error in the transaction issuing the EXEC CICS command in order to supply a valid
  storage area.
  If storage protection is active, change the EXECKEY on the CEDA definition for the program that issued
  the EXEC CICS command from USER to CICS.
  If storage protection is active, change the TASKDATAKEY attributes on the transaction definition from
  If transaction isolation is active, change the ISOLATE attribute on the transaction definition from YES to
AEYE INVLDC condition not handled.
AEYG JIDERR condition not handled.
  Occurs if the specified journal file identifier does not exist in the journal control table (JCT). The
  primary function of the JCT is to register the control information of the system log and journal files.
AEYH QIDERR condition not handled.
  Occurs when the symbolic name identifying the QUEUE to be used with TS or TD requests cannot
  be found That is the Queue name or identifier used cannot be found in DCT (Destination control table)
AEYJ DSSTAT condition not handled.
AEYK SELNERR condition not handled.
AEYL FUNCERR condition not handled.
AEYM UNEXPIN condition not handled.
AEYN NOPASSBKRD condition not handled.
AEYO NOPASSBKWR condition not handled.
AEYP SEGIDERR condition not handled.
AEYQ SYSIDERR condition not handled.
AEYR ISCINVREQ condition not handled.
AEYT ENVDEFERR condition not handled.
AEYU IGREQCD condition not handled.
AEYV SESSIONERR condition not handled.
AEYX USERIDERR condition not handled.
AEYY NOTALLOC condition not handled.
AEYZ CBIDERR condition not handled.
AEY0 INVEXITREQ condition not handled.
AEY1 INVPARTNSET condition not handled.
AEY2 INVPARTN condition not handled.
AEY3 PARTNFAIL condition not handled.
AEY6 Internal logic error in DFHUEM. This arises when using EXITALL to DISABLE an exit program from all
  exit points for which it has been
  enabled. The entire user exit table has been scanned and all associations of the program have been found. But
  the activation count for the program in its exit
  program block indicates there should be more associations (for example, the activation count has not been
  reduced to zero). The user exit table and
  Associated control blocks (EPBs and EPLs) are out of step and have probably been corrupted.
AEY7 NOTAUTH condition not handled.
AEY8 No DSA was found on the chain while trying to free dynamic storage for an assembler language program
  using an EXEC CICS command.
  User Response: Ensure that the DFHEIENT, DFHEISTG, and DFHEIEND macro invocations are correctly
  positioned and retry. If the error persists, you will need further assistance.
AEY9 The DB2 plan is not authorized to CICS, or DB2 is inactive.
  Or one of the following:
  An EXEC CICS command has been issued that is not supported by the EXEC interface program DFHEIP.
  A transaction has issued an EXEC CICS command which is supported in principle by the EXEC interface
  program DFHEIP, but for which the prerequisite function has not been included in the current CICS start­up.
  A non­CICS command has been issued via an application "stub" (expansion of a DFHRMCAL macro), and
  the program DFHERM has detected that the necessary non­CICS support is not available.
  An attempt has been made to use remote resources, but the local SYSID has been specified in an EXEC
  CICS command, or vice versa.
  An attempt has been made to use remote resources, but ISC is not supported.
  An EXEC CICS command contains an invalid AID or CONDITION identifier. This indicates that the
  EXEC CICS command has become corrupted.
  User Response: Check that the sysid specified and the resource names were correct. If not, notify the system
  programmer. Either the command (or an
  Application stub) has become corrupted, or the unavailable function needs to be generated (CICS command),
  ENABLEd (non­CICS command), or
  exceptionally the non­CICS support has suffered damage and is attempting to withdraw itself from the CICS
AEZA A transaction has been defined with a TASKDATALOC(ANY), but the programs within the transaction are
  running amode 24. The exec
  interface program is therefore is unable to access the TCA for the application. Furthermore, any reference to
  the EIB would cause the transaction to fail with
  An OC4 protection exception.
AEZB A transaction has been defined with a TASKDATALOC(ANY), and the application is attempting to call a
  task related user exit. However the
  task related user exit has been linkedited AMODE 24 and enabled with the LINKEDITMODE option,
  thereby directing CICS to invoke it in AMODE 24. An
  AMODE 24 task related user exit cannot run when the calling application is running with
  TASKDATALOC(ANY), as this would cause a protection exception,
  or a storage overwrite.
  User Response: Either redefine and install a new definition for the transaction with
  TASKDATALOC(BELOW), or modify the task related user exit so that it is invoked in AMODE 31.
AEZC A transaction has been defined with a TASKDATALOC(ANY), but a program within the transaction is
  defined to run AMODE 24. CICS cannot
  invoke the AMODE 24 program when the transaction is running with TASKDATALOC(ANY), as this would
  cause a protection exception, or a storage
  User Response: Either redefine and install a new definition for the transaction with
  TASKDATALOC(BELOW), or relink the program as AMODE 31.
AEZD An attempt has been made to run a program defined as EXECKEY(USER) as part of a transaction defined
  Attributes are incompatible and the transaction is abended. This incompatibility could occur as a result of the
  program definition being autoinstalled. See the
  CICS Customization Guide and the CICS Resource Definition Guide for more information about program
  User Response: Redefine and install a new definition either for the transaction with
  TASKDATAKEY(USER), or for the program with EXECKEY(CICS).
  If this abend occurs when running a CICS transaction, a possible cause is that you are not using the CICSsupplied
  definition for the program. If you are using
  your own copies of CICS­supplied program definitions, they must be defined as EXECKEY(CICS).
AEZE CHANGED condition not handled.
AEZF PROCESSBUSY condition not handled.
AEZG ACTIVITYBUSY condition not handled.
AEZH PROCESSERR condition not handled.
AEZI ACTIVITYERR condition not handled.
AEZJ CONTAINERERR condition not handled.
AEZK EVENTERR condition not handled.
AEZL TOKENERR condition not handled.
AEZM NOTFINISHED condition not handled.
AEZN POOLERR condition not handled.
AEZO TIMERERR condition not handled.
AEZP SYMBOLERR condition not handled.
AEZQ TEMPLATERR condition not handled.
AFCB Module DFHEIFC issued a resource level security check (RSLC) request to module DFHXSRC and
  received a response other than OK or
  User Response: Examine the trace to find the exception trace entry created by DFHXSRC at the time of the
  error. Use this trace entry to determine the
  cause of the return code from DFHXSRC.
AFCC An internal logic error was detected when calling the file control request processing module DFHFCFR.
  Either DFHFCFR returned an INVALID
  response to its caller indicating an error in the caller's parameter list, or DFHFCFR passed back a return code
  that was not recognized by its caller.
AFCE A GETMAIN for FFLE storage has failed.
  User Response: Retry the failed transaction.
AFCF A deadlock has been detected between two or more tasks issuing file control requests.
  User Response: Examine this transaction and other transactions in the system that update the same files to
  find the cause of the deadlock, then correct
  the error.
  When transactions update several files within the same unit of work, all transactions should update these files
  in the same order. A transaction that abends
  AFCF may be retried by specifying RESTART(YES) in the transaction definition and by coding a suitable
  DFHREST program.
AFCG A transaction has issued a sequence of file control requests that would cause the file to deadlock itself. This
  response arises for different reasons depending upon the file type.
AFCH The transaction has issued a request for a remote shared data table for which it has an active browse, but in
  the meantime the table has been
  disabled or closed by the owning CICS system, or the owning CICS system has failed.
  User Response: In the application owning region, take whatever action normally follows the issue of a
  FORCE request in, or the failure of, the file owning CICS system.
AFCJ DFHFCU issued a call to DFHFCFS to open a file. A purged error was returned from DFHFCFS because
  the task has been waiting for a
  resource longer than the DTIMEOUT interval specified for the CSFU transaction.
  User Response: Examine the dump to determine the cause of the error. A system dump can be produced by
  Adding the appropriate dump table entry using
  the CEMT SET TRDUMPCODE command.
AFCK The transaction issued a file update request (READ UPDATE, WRITE or DELETE) against an RLS mode
  data set for which a DFSMSdss non­BWO backup was in progress.
  User Response: All new file update requests are prohibited when a non­BWO backup is in progress for an
  RLS mode data set. This restriction is
  Automatically lifted when the backup completes. (A non­BWO backup is any type of backup operation other
  than a Backup While Open backup.) When the
  backup has completed, retry the transaction.
AFCL During the loading of a Shared Data Table by the CFTL transaction, a call to the CICS Transaction
  Manager has returned a response (such as
  DISASTER) after which normal processing could not continue.
  System Action: Message DFHFC0949 is issued. Loading of the data table is terminated and CFTL abends.
AFCM During the loading of a data table by the CFTL transaction, an abend was detected, or a domain call
  returned a response (such as
  DISASTER) after which normal processing could not continue.
  System Action: A message is issued (one of DFHFC0945, DFHFC0946, or DFHFC0947). Loading of the
  data table is terminated and CFTL abends.
  User Response: If this abend is produced as a result of an abend during loading, message DFHFC0945 is
  issued. If it is a result of a domain call failure,
  depending on which domain the failure was returned by, one of the messages DFHFC0946 or DFHFC0947 is
  issued. Refer to the description of the message
  for further information and guidance.
AFCN The transaction issued a file request that caused file control to attempt to create a journal record but the
  record was too large for the journal
  buffer to accommodate. This indicates that a journal referenced in the file definition is using an MVS
  logstream, which in turn, is using a coupling facility
  structure which has been defined with a MAXBUFSIZE parameter less than the recommended 64000.
  User Response: Redefine the coupling facility structure that the logstream is using with a MAXBUFSIZE
  parameter of 64000. The journal in error can be the
  forward recovery log or the journal used for auto­archiving. If the module that detected the error is
  DFHDMPCA, the error is associated with a journal
  referenced in the definition of the CSD (DFHCSD).
AFCO An attempt was made to attach a transaction specifying DFHDTLX as the program to be given control, but
  the transaction was not internally attached by CICS.
  DFHDTLX is for use by CICS system transaction CFTL. This loads a Shared Data Table.
  User Response: Establish why an attempt was made to attach CFTL illegally, or why a transaction definition
  specified DFHDTLX as the program to be given control.
AFCR The program issued a file control request against a file opened in RLS mode. While executing this request,
  CICS detected that the SMSVSAM server address space had failed.
AFCS The program issued a file control request against a file opened in RLS mode. VSAM was unable to
  perform this request because the SMSVSAM server address space was inactive.
  User Response: Retry the transaction when the server is available again.
AFCT The program has made a file control request against a file opened in RLS mode. The SMSVSAM server
  has been recycled since an earlier
  RLS request from the same unit of work. The same unit of work cannot issue requests against two different
  instances of the SMSVSAM server. Note that this
  Abend will occur even if the earlier request was not successful.
  User Response: Resubmit the transaction.
AFCU A program made a file control request against a file that is being accessed in VSAM RLS mode. The
  underlying data set is in lost locks state.
  File control requests are not allowed against a data set that is in lost locks state.
AFCV A request made against a file opened in RLS mode was unable to acquire a record lock. It waited for the
  lock, but the wait time exceeded the
  maximum wait time applicable to that request.
AFCW The program issued a file control request against a file opened in RLS mode. VSAM RLS detected that this
  request would cause a deadlock.
  This transaction is abended in order to break the deadlock chain.
AFCY The transaction issued a file request resulting in a call to the main file control program (DFHFCFR). During
  the processing of the request the
  transaction was purged (that is, was the subject of an explicit PURGE or FORCEPURGE request, was timed
  out, or was selected by CICS for termination in
  An attempt to alleviate an SOS condition). A "purged" response was returned from DFHFCFR to its caller.
AFCZ The transaction issued a file request resulting in a call to the main file control program (DFHFCFR). A
  disastrous error response was
  returned from DFHFCFR to its caller.
AFC0 An attempt has been made to update a file after file control restart failed.
AFC2 DFHFCU issued a call to DFHFCFS to open a file. A disastrous error was returned from DFHFCFS.
AFC7 The CICS definition file (CSD) manager (DFHDMPCA) issued a request to DFHFCFS to enable, open or
  close the DFHCSD file. A "disastrous
  error" response was returned from DFHFCFS to DFHDMPCA.
AFDA An attempt was made to attach a transaction specifying DFHFCQT as the program to be given control, but
  the transaction was not internally
  Attached by CICS.
AFDB An attempt was made by CICS to internally attach a transaction specifying DFHFCQT as the program to be
  given control, and the transaction
  id was other than CFQS or CFQR.
AFDC CICS system transaction CFQS has failed due to a serious error. An attempt will be made to reattach the
  transaction. CICS messages should
  indicate the cause of the error.
AFDD CICS system transaction CFQR has failed due to a serious error. An attempt will be made to reattach the
  transaction. CICS messages should
  indicate the cause of the error.
AFDE An attempt was made to attach a transaction specifying DFHFCRD as the program to be given control, but
  the transaction was not internally
  Attached by CICS.
AFDF An attempt was made to attach a transaction specifying DFHFCOR as the program to be given control, but
  the transaction was not internally
  Attached by CICS.
AFDG CICS system transaction CFOR has failed due to a serious error. CICS messages should indicate the cause
  of the error.
AFDH VSAM has returned a response indicating that the RLS lock structure in the coupling facility is full. VSAM
  RLS is unable to create any new locks.
  This abend code is usually issued from various CICS systems residing within the same sysplex.
AGMA An attempt to initiate the good morning message transaction was made without specifying a termid for it to
  be displayed.
AICA Program in infinite loop, A task has been executing for longer than the runaway time interval (defined by
  the ICVR operand on the system initialization table macro, DFHSIT) without giving up control. The
  runaway task condition indicates a possible loop in the application.
  This indicates either a logical loop or that the system is overloaded, ultimately it will bring the whole CICS
  down. There are CICS parameters that determine how long a task can run without giving up control. The
  ICVR parameter in the CICS SIT table can be used to specify a value for all tasks running in CICS, or you
  can specify a RUNAWAY value when a transaction is defined.
  User Response: Check for Infinite loops. There are two approaches to identifying loops in user programs.
  You can use the trace table, or you can look in the transaction dump.
  Sometimes when monitoring a program with CA Intertest for CICS, the program may receive an AICA
  Abend. The same program can be execute without being monitored and it runs to a successful completion.
AICB A RETRIEVE WAIT request has been reissued in system shutdown.
AICC An incorrect response was returned from a timer (TI) domain request.
AICD A incorrect response was returned from a kernel (KE) domain request.
AICE An incorrect response was returned from a dispatcher (DS) domain request (other than AICG).
AICF An incorrect response was returned from a transaction manager (TM) domain request.
AICG A PURGED response was returned from a dispatcher domain (DS) request, with a reason code of
  returned as the transaction had been explicitly cancelled.
AICH The task was purged before a request to the storage manager (SM) domain was able to complete
  successfully. The domain that first detected
  the purged condition will have provided an exception trace.
AICJ An error (INVALID, DISASTER or unexpected EXCEPTION response) has occurred on a call to the
  storage manager (SM) domain. The
  domain that detected the original error will have provided an exception trace, a console message and,
  possibly, a system dump (depending on the options
  specified in the dump table).
AICK Module DFHEIIC has issued a resource level security check (RSLC) request to module DFHXSRC and
  received a response other than OK or EXCEPTION.
AICL DFHEIIC detected an invalid function code in the command level parameter list. This is caused either by a
  storage overwrite or a CICS internal logic error.
AICN An incorrect response has been returned from a user domain (US) request.
AICO An unexpected EXCEPTION response was received from a call to the user (US) domain.
AICQ Module DFHDFST is executing at a terminal which is not permitted.
AICR A DFHTC write request has failed for IRC. The return codes within TCATPAPR and TCTEIRET should be
  examined to determine the cause of failure.
AICS Module DFHDFST has encountered an error during Retrieve processing.
AICT Module DFHDFST has encountered an error during START processing.
AIEA An unexpected EXCEPTION response was received from a call to the user (US) domain.
AIEB The transaction id (CIEP) of the ECI for TCP/IP listener task has been initiated invalidly, probably by
  entering the id at a terminal. This
  transaction must only be initiated by CICS internal processes.
AINA An application program has issued an EXEC CICS LINK command to the indoubt testing tool program
  DFHINDT but has failed to pass a
  commarea containing the request to be executed. Valid requests are: ON, OFF, RESYNC COMMIT or
AINB An application program has issued an EXEC CICS LINK command to the indoubt testing tool program
  DFHINDT passing a commarea that did
  not contain a valid request to be executed, Valid requests are: ON, OFF, RESYNC COMMIT or RESYNC
AINC The indoubt testing tool issued a EXEC CICS INQUIRE EXITPROGRAM command to inquire on the
  status of the indoubt testing tool task
  related user exit program DFHINTRU, and the command failed with a NOTAUTH response.
AIND The indoubt testing tool issued a EXEC CICS INQUIRE EXITPROGRAM command to inquire on the
  status of the indoubt testing tool task
  related user exit program DFHINTRU, and the command failed with an unexpected response.
  START_LINK_BROWSE command issued by
  the indoubt tool to recovery manager (RM) domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the RM domain
  provides an exception trace, a console message, and
  possibly a system dump (depending on the options in the dump table).
AINF An EXCEPTION response with an unexpected reason occurred on an GET_NEXT_LINK call issued by the
  indoubt testing tool to recovery
  manager (RM) domain. DFHINDT provides an exception trace, console message DFHAP0002, and possibly
  A system dump (depending on the options in the
  dump table).
  call issued by the indoubt testing tool to
  recovery manager (RM) domain. The RM domain provides an exception trace, a console message, and
  possibly a system dump (depending on the options in
  the dump table).
  END_LINK_BROWSE command issued by the
  indoubt tool to recovery manager (RM) domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the RM domain
  provides an exception trace, a console message, and
  possibly a system dump (depending on the options in the dump table).
  INQUIRE_UOW command issued by the
  indoubt testing tool to recovery manager (RM) domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the RM domain
  provides an exception trace, a console message,
  And possibly a system dump (depending on the options in the dump table).
AINJ An EXCEPTION response with an unexpected reason occurred on an INITIATE_RECOVERY call issued
  by the indoubt testing tool to recovery
  manager (RM) domain. DFHINDT provides an exception trace, console message DFHAP0002, and possibly
  A system dump (depending on the options in the
  dump table).
AINK An error (DISASTER, INVALID, KERNERROR, or PURGED) has occurred on an
  INITIATE_RECOVERY call issued by the indoubt testing tool
  to recovery manager (RM) domain. The RM domain provides an exception trace, a console message, and
  possibly a system dump (depending on the options
  in the dump table).
  SET_RECOVERY_STATUS command issued
  by the indoubt testing tool to recovery manager (RM) domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the RM
  domain provides an exception trace, a console
  message, and possibly a system dump (depending on the options in the dump table).
  TERMINATE_RECOVERY command issued by
  the indoubt testing tool to recovery manager (RM) domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the RM
  domain provides an exception trace, a console
  message, and possibly a system dump (depending on the options in the dump table).
  ADD_LINK command issued by the indoubt
  testing tool to recovery manager (RM) domain. For errors other than EXCEPTION, the RM domain provides
  An exception trace, a console message, and
  possibly a system dump (depending on the options in the dump table).
AINO The indoubt testing tool task related user exit DFHINTRU issued an EXEC CICS INQUIRE
  TRANSACTION command to inquire whether the
  current transaction was in the indoubt transaction class DFHTCIND. The command failed with a NOTAUTH
AINP The indoubt testing tool task related user exit DFHINTRU issued an EXEC CICS INQUIRE
  TRANSACTION command to inquire whether the
  current transaction was in the indoubt transaction class DFHTCIND. The command failed with an
  unexpected response.
AINQ The indoubt testing tool task related user exit DFHINTRU issued an EXEC CICS INQUIRE TASK
  command to inquire on the current task to
  obtain the unit of work ID to include in message DFHIN1009. The command failed with a TASKIDERR
AINR The indoubt testing tool task related user exit DFHINTRU issued an EXEC CICS INQUIRE TASK
  command to inquire on the current task to
  obtain the unit of work ID to include in message DFHIN1009. The command failed with a NOTAUTH
AINS The indoubt testing tool task related user exit DFHINTRU issued an EXEC CICS INQUIRE TASK
  command to inquire on the current task to
  obtain the unit of work ID to include in message DFHIN1009. The command failed with an unexpected
AISA The mirror transaction (CSMI) has been attached from some facility other than a terminal. This is not
  User Response: Using the dump, check the field TCAFCAAA to identify the invalid attach.
AISB The mirror transaction (CSMI) has detected errors in the data passed to it from the attaching transaction.
AISC The mirror transaction (CSMI) has not received a TIOA from the terminal.
AISD The mirror program executed the request and received a nonzero return code as a result. The data flow
  control state of the intersystem link
  being used was such that this information could not be returned normally.
AISF The CICS mirror program DFHMIRS has been attached in an unsupported manner. The principal facility
  for the mirror transaction is defined as
  APPC, however the conversation is unmapped.
AISG The mirror program executed the request and produced the reply. This would not be sent because the data
  flow control state of the
  intersystem link was such that this could not be done.
AISH The new connection task, CSNC, has been invoked in an incorrect manner (for example, from a terminal or
  via an EXEC CICS START request).
AISI A function shipping request was passed by DFHEIP to DFHISP. This was found to be invalid by the
  transformer, DFHXFP.
AISJ The IRC control task CSNC has abended because the attempt to LINK to DFHCRR failed.
AISK The user transaction has been abnormally terminated during the execution of a function shipping request on
  An APPC session. This has
  happened because the mirror transaction on the remote system has abnormally terminated, and caused a
  request for syncpoint rollback to be sent across
  the session. CICS abends the user transaction in these circumstances so that function shipping remains
  transparent to the transaction.
AISL The LU services manager transaction has been started directly from a user terminal. This is not permitted.
AISN Task CSNC attempted to acquire a SUSPEND TOKEN to enable it to suspend itself until further work
  Arrives. The attempt failed.
AISO Task CSNC attempted to suspend itself, awaiting further work. The attempt failed.
AISP A mirror transaction (transaction identifiers CSHR, CSM1, CSM2, CSM3, CSM5, or CSMI) has been
  invoked with an invalid principal facility.
  The mirror transaction executes with an MRO session, an LU6.1 session or an APPC session as its principal
AISQ An EXEC CICS command has been issued against a CPI Communications session. A CPI Communications
  session is one that has a
  CPI­Communications Control Block (CPC) associated with it.
AISR The CICS Inter­Region Session Recovery Program (DFHCRR) has been invoked in an incorrect manner,
  for example, from a terminal.
AISS A security violation has occurred while CICS was attempting to start a conversation with a remote APPC
  system. The security access level of
  the requestor was insufficient to access the transaction on the connected APPC system. Depending on the
  nature of the request and the way security has
  been set up, the requestor with an insufficient access level can be the local CICS system, the requesting
  transaction, or the terminal user.
  Note: DTP programs do not abend with code AISS after a security failure in the remote region.
  User Response: First, verify that the access was correctly denied. Then, if required, change the access level.
AIST An unexpected return code has been returned after a DFHTC TYPE=LOCATE command.
AISU An INVALID, DISASTER, or EXCEPTION condition has occurred on a call to the storage manager
  domain (SM) to FREEMAIN a FCENT control block.
AISV A PURGED condition has occurred on a call to the storage manager domain (SM) to FREEMAIN a
  FCENT control block.
AISW An INVALID, DISASTER, or EXCEPTION condition has occurred on a call to the storage manager
  domain (SM) to GETMAIN or FREEMAIN a CRB control block.
AISX A PURGED condition has occurred on a call to the storage manager domain (SM) to GETMAIN or
  FREEMAIN a CRB control block.
AISY The LU services manager transaction has been started, but invalid parameters have been detected.
AISZ DFHMXP has received an unexpected reply when committing START PROTECT NOCHECK requests
  sent on a LUTYPE6.2 synclevel 1 conversation.
AJCA Irrecoverable I/O error on output to non­crucial journal
AJCB Failure to switch to a new output volume for a non­crucial journal
AJCN Unable to write dynamic log record to temporary storage
AKCT A terminal read­time­out condition has been detected. The transaction has been waiting for a terminal input
  message for an interval longer than specified in the RTIMOUT value for that transaction.
  If an EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND has been issued for this task, the read that was timed­out is still
  outstanding. To cancel this read you should issue an EXEC CICS ABEND at the end of the user exit routine
  so that CICS can clean up the terminal's TCTTE.
  User Response: This abend is a normal one. Coding RTIMOUT in the PROFILE entry asks for the task to be
  Abnormally terminated if the terminal does not send input within the specified time.
AKC0 An attempt has been made to run the CICS internal task CSSY as a user transaction.
  User Response: Investigate why the attempt was made to run CSSY as a user transaction.
AKC1 A DFHKC WAIT request was issued when the ECB was already marked as waiting.
AKC2 A bad response has been received from a dispatcher (DS) domain call.
AKC3 The task has been purged, probably due to operator action such as a CEMT TASK PURGE command. The
  task might also have been purged as a result of CICS issuing a purge request.
  User Response: Use the transaction dump to determine why the task was purged. In particular, if the purge
  was operator initiated, the dump should be useful in determining why this task needed to be explicitly
AKC6 DFHKC RESUME should always be preceded by DFHKC SUSPEND. If this protocol is violated then the
  transaction is abnormally terminated with abend code AKC6.
AKC8 A bad response has been received from a call to the kernel (KE) domain during the processing of a task
  purge request.
AKC9 An incorrect response has been received from a call to the enqueue (NQ) domain during the processing of a
ALFA Excessive LIFO storage used by task
ALFB LIFO storage request by a CICS/VS module no a multiple of 8
ALFC Error while attempting to free LIFO storage
AFLE LIFO storage over written
AMSA SBA not followed by two­byte address
AMSB Internal logic error in DFHMSP
AMTA Internal logic error in DFHMTPA
AMTB Internal logic error in DFHMTPB
AMTD Internal logic error in DFHMTPD
AMTE Internal logic error in DFHMTPE
AMTF Internal logic error in DFHMTPF
AMTG Internal logic error in DFHMTPG
AMTH Deferred abend when line or c.u. put out of service
AMTJ Task terminated with a deferred abend by DFHMTPC
AMTM Not enough output message save area
AMTO Internal logic error in message handling routines of master terminal
AMT1 Transaction terminated when terminal put out of service
AMT2 Transaction terminated when line or c.u put out of service
AOCA Error opening a VSAM ESDS
APCC ANS COBOL support not generated in PCP
APCI PL/I support not generated in PCP or DFHSAP could not be located
APCL Shared library has not been initialized for CICS
APCM Invalid TYPE parameter in DFHPC macro
APCN Resident control counter in the PPT has gone negative
APCP I/O error while loading a program
APCR Invalid request for PCP
APCS ANS SUBSET COBOL support not generate in PCP (DOS only)
APCT Requested module not in PPT, Program not found. If the error occurs when executing either a SEND MAP
  or RECEIVE MAP command, then the mapset name in the COBOL program does not match the mapset
  name in front of the DFHMSD assembler macro.
  Possible causes:
  1. The program name in the EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND program is not usable at the time an abend
  occurs because:
  The program is not on the relocatable program library (RPL).
  The program is disabled.
  The program cannot be loaded.
  2. An attempt to load a mapset or partitionset failed because although the program is defined to CICS
  It is not available on the RPL, or
  It is disabled, or
  It cannot be autoinstalled.
  3. An attempt to link to, load, or release an internal CICS program failed because:
  The program is not on the RPL.
  The program is disabled.
  The program cannot be loaded.
  Problem Determination: The trace preceding the abend indicates the program, mapset, or partitionset that
  could not be loaded, linked to, or released. The name is also in TCAPCEPI.
  User Response: In cases 1 and 2, define the program, mapset partitionset to CICS using CEDA and ensure it
  is enabled.
  In case 3, the definition of a CICS­provided module is incorrect. Check for associated messages issued
  during CICS start up.
APCW The program language is defined as COBOL but the level of the compiler under which it was originally
  compiled cannot be determined. Most probably, the program was compiled under an OS/VS COBOL II
  compiler but the required level of support for that compiler is not present in the system.
  User Response: Check that OS/VS, COBOL II or Language Environment support is present in the system
  And that the required interface modules (IGZECIC or CEECCICS) have been correctly loaded during system
APCY In an MVS/ESA environment, a CICS macro request has been issued from a PL/I or COBOL application.
  Alternatively, it is possible that the
  Application program has been link edited without the EXEC interface module (for example, DFHECI or
  DFHELII) which is used by the CICS high­level
  language programming interface. See the CICS System Definition Guide for details of what has to be done
  to include this module.
APCZ An attempt has been made to run either an 'old­style' application program (that is, a program with a prerelease
  1.6 or a DFHE program stub)
  or an OS/VS COBOL program, either having been link­edited with the RENT or REFR attributes. These
  types of programs are not reentrant and therefore
  cannot be loaded into read­only storage.
APC2 ANS COBOL V2 support not generated in PCP
APC3 ANS COBOL V3 support not generated in PCP
APC4 ANS COBOL V4 support not generated in PCP (OS only)
APLC Shared library facilities are needed but not available
APLE Error occurred during PL/I program management
APLI Error detected on record transmission to CPLI queue
APLM No main procedure
APLD Error detected on record transmission to CPLD queue
APLG Storage request to the storage allocation routines exceeds 65512
APLS Abend on termination due to ERROR condition not caused by an Abend other than ASRA
APLX ISASIZE has been exceeded; LIFO storage exhausted
APP1 Bad response code to DFHIC TYPE=GET
APP2 Data length five on DFHIC TYPE=GET
APP3 Attempt to send data to non­printer device
APR1 Error response to DFHIC TYPE=PUT during print key processing
APUA GETSTG parameter missing on call to DFHPUP (PUPF)
APUB GETSTG parameter missing on call to DFHPUP (PUPU)
APUC Invalid function code for domain call to DFHPUP
APUD Unable to locate RDO language definition table
APUE Unable to load RDO language definition table due to lack of storage
APUF RDO language definition table invalid or missing
APUG Storage not obtained for CSD record buffer
APUH Storage not obtained for argument list
APUI Unable to free storage for argument list
APUJ Unable to free storage for CSD record buffer
APUK Unable to obtain buffer storage for logged RDO commands, or, in batch, unable to obtain buffer storage for
  back­translated resource definitions from CSD
APUM No match found for function code in language definition table (invalid table or invalid argument list)
APUN No match for function code in language definition table (invalid table or invalid CSD record passed)
APUP Error in DFHPUP processing language definition table for RDO (error building keyword list)
APUQ Error in DFHPUP processing language definition table for RDO (too many keywords)
APUR Error in DFHPUP processing of an argument list or CSD record buffer (conflicting data types)
APUS Error in DFHPUP processing a CSD record buffer (invalid data length)
APUT Error in DFHPUP processing an argument list or CSD record buffer Invalid keyword existence bit number)
APUU Error in DFHPUP processing a CSD record buffer (invalid default data type)
APUV Error in DFHPUP processing a CSD record buffer (invalid default integer value code)
ARTA Task does not own a terminal as its principal facility
ARLI Transaction CSLG entered, but not internally initiated by a task attach
ARTB No TIOA or data length equal zero
ARTC Link to required system failed for an unknown reason
ARTD Initial logic error in DFHRTE
ARTE Error occurred while attempting to access temporary storage
ARTF Attempt to use CRTE from a terminal with a permanenent transaction code TCT
ASCF Invalid SCP FREEMAIN address
ASCR Invalid SC request, request code on NUMBYTE
ASPD Error during reset of the dynamic log
ASPE Sync point rollback command issued by task with no dynamic transaction backout specified in PCT or
  DBP=NO specified in SIT
ASPL Error while writing sync point information
ASP1 Intersystem session failed while a sync point was taken
ASP2 Sync point attempted with the intersystem links in an invalid state
ASP3 Remote system has failed to take a sync point required by LUW
ASP5 Task does not own it principal facility
ASP6 Attempt to flush data to a remote system failed
ASP7 DB2 failure. DB2(local or remote) is unable to continue with the syncpoint. A resource manager involved in
  syncpoint protocols has replied 'No' to a request to 'Prepare'.
  This abend is caused by a prior problem: for example, the resource manager cannot flush its buffers because
  of an I/O error, or it cannot communicate with CICS because of a TP failure.
  System Action: CICS terminates the transaction abnormally. Recoverable resources updated by the unit of
  work are backed out. The EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND command cannot handle this abend.
  If it is a local resource manager that has voted no, message DFHAC2218 is sent to the terminal end user if
  possible, and message DFHAC2248 is sent to transient data destination CSMT.
  If it is a remote resource manager that has voted no, message DFHAC2219 is sent to the terminal end user if
  possible, and message DFHAC2249 is sent to transient data destination CSMT.
  User Response: This abend is caused by a prior problem. For example, the resource manager cannot flush its
  buffers because of an I/O error, or it cannot
  communicate with CICS because of a TP failure. Correct the earlier problem. An ASP7 can also occur
  during terminal or connection install if CICS is short on
  storage. For instance if message DFHAC2248 shows the transaction as CATA then look for earlier short on
  storage messages.
ASP8 Sync point rollback not supported for transaction which use function shipping or transaction routing
ASP9 An attempt to free a TCTTE owned by this task failed
ASRA The task has terminated abnormally because of a program interrupt. Examples of program interrupts that can
  cause an ASRA abend are S0C4 and S0C7.
  Either non­numeric data was found in a numeric field or else addressability has not been properly
  System Action: The task is abnormally terminated and CICS issues either message DFHAP0001 or
  DFHSR0001. Message DFHSR0622 may also be issued.
  User Response: Program interrupts can occur for a wide variety of reasons, but you can find the nature of
  the error from the program interrupt code in the program status word (PSW). The machine hardware uses the
  PSW to record the address of the current instruction being executed, the addressing mode, and other control
  information. The PSW gives you the address at which the program check occurred, and so it represents a
  record of the circumstances of the failure. Usually you can search the program for numeric related moves or
  possible non numeric data being moved to numeric fields, division by zero, or other odd scenario's that may
  not have been handled properly. To locate problem make use of debugging tools like Xpeditor, CEDF.
ASRB An operating system abend has occurred and CICS has been able to abend the current transaction.
  A transaction can abend with an ASRB abend code when a program issues the MVS ABEND macro. For
  example, BDAM issues this ABEND macro when it detects errors, rather than sending a return code to the
  calling program. CICS is notified when an MVS abend occurs, and in turn issues an ASRB abend code for
  the transaction.
ASRD The task has been abnormally terminated for one of these reasons:
  A program contains an assembler macro call which is no longer supported by CICS.
  An invalid attempt has been made to access the CSA or TCA. This abend could be caused by an attempt to
  Address the CSA through OS/VS COBOL BLL cells.
ASRE The task has been abnormally terminated because an attempt has been made to access a CICS­DB2 RCT
  load module.
ASRK The AP domain recovery stub, DFHSR1, has been invoked to deal with a program check, operating system
  Abend, or another error within a
  transaction environment. However, DFHSR1 has been unable to call the system recovery program, DFHSRP,
  because register 12, which should be pointing
  to the task control area (TCA), is null. This indicates that the caller of DFHSR1, has not set the address of
  the TCA..
ATCA DFHTC macro issued during final quiesce mode
ATCB DFHTC macros issued without an intervening wait
ATCC More than one write to a pipeline session terminal
ATCD VTAM support not generated
ATCE WRITE requested with no TIOA provided
ATCF VTAM request to a non­VTAM terminal
ATCG READ or WRITE issued to a terminal not owned by task
ATCH The transaction was cancelled. This normally happens when your program is in a loop. ADP Operations is in
  charge of canceling transactions. The task was purged before a domain call was able to complete
  successfully. The task that first detected the purged condition provides an exception trace.
  User Response: Investigate why the task was purged. It was purged either as a result of a purge from the
  master terminal operator via the CEMT
  transaction, or by the task being timed out after waiting for longer than the DTIMOUT (deadlock timeout)
  value specified for the transaction, or by CICS
  issuing a purge request.
  If the master terminal operator purged the task, this may have been in an attempt to clear the system which
  Appeared to be deadlocked for some reason.
  If the task was timed out automatically as a result of the DTIMOUT value being exceeded, this may be due
  to insufficient main storage being available for the
  number of tasks in the system. If the amount of main storage cannot be increased, reduce the number of tasks
  in the system to avoid short­on­storage
  situations. Another possibility is to increase the value of the DTIMOUT option for the transaction.
  When CICS purges a task, it does so to allow an operation to complete which would be held up by the
  presence of active tasks, or to ensure data integrity.
  For example, CICS will purge a task which has made recoverable updates to a coupling facility data table if
  it determines that the coupling facility data table
  server for the pool in which that table resides has recycled, to ensure that all updates in the unit of work will
  be backed out.
ATCI Immediate release of terminal by master terminal
ATCK Unauthorized WRITE to VTAM specifying CCOMPL=NO
ATCL Error occurred during automatic journalling or logging
ATCM Error occurred while writing sync point information
ATCN Error occurred during initial input journalling or logging
ATCO 'Signal', write 'structured field', or LU6.2 mapped conversation not supported
ATCP Error while logging receipt of a positive response to output
ATCQ DFHZRAQ error attempting to save TIOA on Temp Storage
ATCR DFHZRAR error attempting to retreive TIOA from TS
ATCT Attempt to build a surrogate TCTTE to represent a remotely owned terminal failed
ATCU Task attempted to send to a LU, but was in receive mode
ATCV Task attempted an operation on a LU but was not in the correct mode
ATCY Error in processing inbound FMH­length error or invalid field
ATDD The destination that was specified in a transient data request is disabled. This could be due to the destination
  data set being full.
ATDI Invalid type of destination code in DCT
ATDL Error during logging of activity against a recoverable destination
ATDT Invalid TD service request code
ATDV Additional information for ATDD abend when a VSAM or transient data error occurs
ATNA CSNE entered with no error to resolve
ATND Deferred abend requested by NEP or NACP
ATNI Immediate abend requested by NEP or NACP (if BTAM, TEP, or TACP)
ATPA ATP task purged by ATP operator
ATPB Task under ATP encountered a delimiter on reading data
ATPQ ATP purge logical error
ATPW Delete request for output being processed
ATSL Error during logging of activity against recoverable identifier
ATSP Invalid PUT or PUTQ to recoverable DATAID
AVAA CVST illegally entered from a terminal
AXFA Keylength in FCT for request to remote system is zero
AXFB FMH is not type 05, 06, or 43
AXFC Unknown request passed to data transformation program
AXFD Unable to send request passed to data transformation program to remote system
AXFE Requested transformation does not exist
AXFF Queue model FMH contains unacceptable queue organization
AXFG Unacceptable argument number found following FMH type 43
AXFH Unexpected argument number in data following FMH type 43
AXFI Data length zero for a READQ or WRITEQTD
AXFJ Error code in UIBFCTR and UIBDLTR cannot be converted to an equivalent SNA error code
AXFK Data transformation program does not contain DL/I segment
AXFL Function management header expected, null characters rec
AXFN Security check on a resource name failed
AXFO The check on the DS and DBA parameters in an attach FMH has failed
AXFP Required second FMH not received
AXFQ FMH too short or too long
AXFR Command level interface maximum length of 32767 exceeded
AXFS Maximum I/O area length of 65535 exceeded
AXFT Size estimate of output I/O area exceeded max
AXFU Two­level cuser in FMH not supported
AXFV Attempt to access DL/I local data base, but current version of data transformation program does not contain
  DL/I support for local data bases
AXTA Calculation of data length to be shipped failed
AXTB Attempt to obtain TIOA to ship data failed
AXTC Attempt to transform data ready for shipment failed
AXTD No TIOA received from remote system
AXTE Data received from remote system not long enough
AXTF No relay process FMH received from remote system
AXTG Transformation of data received from remote system failed
AXTH Attempt to locate terminal ID failed
AZCA Error during LU6.2 mapped processing­conversation state does not match
AZCB Sense code 088901xx received during LU6.2 mapped processing
AZCC Function MGMT, Not supported by receiving system
AZCD Data length mismatch detected during LU6.2 mapped process
AZCE Data length exceeded limit of 65000 during LU6.2 processing
AZCF Invalid request passed during LU6.2 mapped processing
AZCG Error during LU6.2 mapped processing
AZCH Sense code 0889xxxx received during processing of LU6.2 mapped data
AZCI Session to be used in processing of LU6.2 mapped data bound with synclevel 1
AZCP Logic error in ZCP
AZCJ LU6.2 field with null data not supported by a remote system
AZI1 IRC data transmission request violated transmission protocol
AZI2 DFHIRP rejected transmission request or request violated internal IRC protocol
AZI3 Terminal request to a remotely owned terminal failed because the system conversation failed
AZI4 IRC request failed because other system unavailable for inter­region communication
AZI5 IRC data transmission request violated IRC protocol
AZI6 The transaction in the remote system abended causing this transaction to abend
AZTA Task does not own a terminal as its principal facility
AZTB Error from DFHXTP while performing transformation 1
AZTC Error from DFHXTP while performing transformation 2
AZTD Error from DFHXTP while performing transformation 3
AZTE Error from DFHXTP while performing transformation 4
AZTG Attempt to attach a task on a remotely owned terminal without an inter­system TCTTE as its principal
AZTH Error response received from remote terminal control macro
AZTI An attempt to attach a task on a remotely owned terminal which is not defined in this system
AZTJ An attempt to attach a task that requires a VTAM terminal on a remotely owned non­VTAM terminal
AZTK An attempt to attach a task that requires a non­VTAM terminal on a remotely owned VTAM terminal
AZTL A remotely onwned terminal cannot be used to run this transaction
AZTM Data received from a remote system does not contain an FMH
AZTN Conversation with a remote system has been unexcectedly terminated
AZTO The TCTTE ownership chain is in error
AZTP BMS TYPE=STORE request issued on behalf of a remote system failed
AZTQ Invalid BMS data received from a remote system
AZTR BMS TYPE=PAGEOUT request issued on behalf of a remote system failed
AZTS An attempt to ship data to a remote system failed
AZTT An attempt was made to attach a task on a remote system, but the connection with the remote system is not
  An APPC or MRO connection.
AZTU The task does not own the link TCTTE after a sync point has been taken.
AZTV An invalid function management header (FMH) has been received from the remote system.
AZTW An attempt was made to attach a task on a remotely­owned terminal that was already running a task.
AZTY A session TCT entry for a remotely owned APPC terminal or connection could not be created because to
  do so would exceed the maximum number of APPC sessions permitted.
AZTZ The CICS relay program DFHCRT has been attached in an unsupported manner.
AZT1 The task has been attached improperly in the application­owning region when transaction routing.
AZT3 The task is being routed back to the region from where it came.
AZT6 The task in the application­owning region has received a ROLLBACK request from the terminal­owning
  region, but the conversation is continuing. The terminal­owning region has violated the transaction routing
AZT7 A session terminal control table (TCT) entry for a remotely owned APPC terminal or connection could not
  be added to the TCT.
AZT8 A session terminal control table (TCT) entry for a remotely owned APPC terminal or connection could not
  be deleted from the TCT.
AZT9 A session terminal control table (TCT) entry for a remotely owned APPC terminal or connection could not
  be deleted from the TCT because it is locked by another task.
AZVA DFHZTSP has timed out waiting for service transaction CITS to complete during the creation of a remote
  terminal while attaching a task in the application­owning region.
AZVB DFHZCQ has failed to create the remote terminal definition. A previous message or messages should
  indicate the reason for the failure.
AZVC An unexpected error has occurred in DFHZATS. This is probably caused by DFHZATS being unable to
  Address the CSA, EIB or the TCA. It
  can also occur if DFHZATS is called with an EXEC CICS START command for transactions CITS, CFTS,
  CMTS or CDTS. These are internal CICS
  transactions and should not be called in this way.
AZVD An unexpected error has occurred in the install procedure of DFHZATS.
AZVE DFHZATS is trying to install a remote terminal with the same terminal id as an existing TCT entry.
AZVF One of the remote install or delete transactions of DFHZATS (CITS, CFTS, CMTS or CDTS) has been
  started directly from a terminal. This is
  not permitted. These transactions can only be started internally by CICS.
AZVG An error has occurred in the remote delete routines.
AZVH An error has occurred in the remote delete routine during the mass deletion of remote terminals.
AZVI An error has occurred in the remote delete routine while an attempt was being made to delete a single
  remote terminal.
AZVJ An error has occurred during the mass deletion of remote terminals. This is caused by a CICS logic error.
AZVK An unexpected return code has been received from the remote delete routine during the deletion of a single
  remote terminal.
AZVL An error has occurred during the mass flagging of remote terminals for deletion.
AZVM An error has occurred in DFHZATMF. This is probably caused by DFHZATMF being unable to address
  the CSA, EIB, or the TCA.
AZVN The remote delete flag transaction of DFHZATMF (CRMF) has been started directly from a terminal. This
  is not permitted. This transaction can only be started internally by CICS.
AZVO The remote delete transaction of DFHZATMD (CRMD) has been started directly from a terminal. This is
  not permitted. This transaction can only be started internally by CICS.
AZVP An error has occurred in DFHZATMD. This is probably caused by DFHZATMD being unable to address
  the CSA, EIB, or the TCA.
AZVQ A request to install a shipped terminal definition has been rejected by the autoinstall user program.
AZVR An attempt to install a shipped terminal definition has failed because the autoinstall user program has
  issued an unexpected return code.
AZVS An attempt to install a shipped terminal definition has failed because an error has occurred in the autoinstall
  user program.
AZVU DFHZATS was attempting to autoinstall a shipped terminal, a virtual terminal or a shipped connection and
  the autoinstall URM was called.
AZXA An unexpected error, with reason code 5, has been detected in the catchup program, DFHZXCU.
AZXB An unexpected error, with reason code 4, has been detected in the catchup program, DFHZXCU.
  The length of the Common Area (DFHCOMMAREA) received by the ADIN routing program was incorrect.
  The ADIN routing program was entered in Native Mode, instead of the normal RETURN mechanism.